Project Title: Yearbook Mobile App

Client: UCSY 9th Batch

Project Brief:

In this project, we create a mobile app, a modern yearbook, to show the contact information for University of Computer Studies, Yangon (UCSY) alumni from 9th batch.

This application supports the following features:

  • Contact list can be filtered by major:  ‘Computer Science (CS)’ or ‘Computer Technology (CT)’ and ‘ALL’ by default.
  • Contact(s) can be searched either by ‘City’ or ‘Name’ (default).
  • ‘Phone Call’, ‘SMS Send’, ‘Email Compose’ and ‘Facebook Profile Visit’ can be performed at contact details page.
  • Contact information can be updated at contact details page.

📌📱 You can download the application from “App Store” & “Play Store”. 👇👇👇
